Teaching offering
Chair of Information Systems, Innovation & Value Creation (WI1)
Teaching and learning at WI1 are interactive and call for your contributions. We aim for joint learning journeys independent of class size and use sound theories and innovative research methods to jointly explore challenging practical problems. Join us on our learning journeys and enjoy a deep dive in our Bachelor and Master Courses!
Bachelor Courses
Bachelor Courses - Winter Semester
- Bachelorseminar (Abschlussarbeitenseminar)
- Business Information Systems Engineering
- Forschungsmethodisches Seminar
- Innovation Design
- Innovation Strategy
- Innovation Technology I
- Praktikum Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Projektseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Service Quality Engineering - Dienstleistungsqualität entwickeln (SQE) - WS
- Zukunftsthemen der Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Innovation
Bachelor Courses - Summer Semester
- Bachelorseminar (Abschlussarbeitenseminar)
- Digital Innovation - Platforms and Systems for Innovation (formerly: Innovation Strategy 3)
- Forschungsmethodisches Seminar
- Innovation Design
- Innovation Technology II
- Praktikum Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Projektseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Service Quality Engineering - Dienstleistungsqualität entwickeln (SQE) - SS
Master Courses
Master’s Degree Programs
Our courses are part of the following Master programs:
International Information Systems