Research Focus: Future of Work
The research stream “Future of Work” at Wi1 focusses on the influence and impact of digital technologies on workplaces, work processes, and the institutional organization of work. We typically explore the resulting organizational innovation and transformation in large-scale field experiments and try to answer questions such as:
- How will digital technologies change work places and organizational settings as we know them?
- How can organizations lead the digital transformation of their organizations?
- Which concepts, methods and tools help us to design the future of work and the future of entrepreneurial organizational settings?
We, thus, contribute to a better understanding of the current digital transformation in organizations and markets.
Research Projects
JOSEPHS® - Die Service Manufaktur
JOSEPHS® - Die Service Manufaktur is a project with the Fraunhofer IIS - Center for Applied Research on Supply Chain Services SCS. This open shop in downtown Nuremberg invites visitors to co-create the future of services and products. This project focuses on researching about how customers actively participate in innovation for goods and products, about how firms learn from working together with customers in direct interaction and about how experiments with prototyping and innovation tools can lead to further development of the latter.
MEgA: Measures and Recommendations for Healthy Work Practices of Tomorrow
Digitalisierung, Industrie 4.0 und demografischer Wandel – die Arbeitswelt verändert sich rapide. Sie wird digitaler, vernetzter und flexibler. Für Fach- und Führungskräfte bedeutet der Einsatz moderner Technologien nicht nur Entlastung, sondern er stellt auch neue Anforderungen an sie. Unternehmen stehen der Herausforderung gegenüber, für die Gesundheit und Kompetenz ihrer Beschäftigten zu sorgen.
HR- und Gesundheitsmanagement - in digitalisierter Arbeitswelt unverzichtbar
CoDi: Cooperatives in the Digital Age
The project 'Cooperatives in the Digital Age' (CoDi) investigates challenges and opportunities of the increasing digitization of industry and society from the perspective of cooperative banks. The ongoing digitization enables incumbent firms as well as start-ups to create new products, services, and business models. The project addresses the question how cooperative banks can remain true to their traditions and cooperative principles and, at the same time, profit from technological developments that help them better meet the needs of their members and customers.
Metaprojekt BALANCE: Flexibilität und Stabilität in der Forschungswelt
The research alliance BALANCE comprises 39 research projects dealing with flexibility and stability in the working world. It presents their research results and creates visibility in economy, science, society and politics.
New working environments in pilot areas
The research project with the „NÜRNBERGER Versicherung“ insurance company investigates the application of open, flexible and multi-functional office space concepts in the context of Open Innovation and Future of Work. The levels of analysis are employees, business processes and the Organisation as a whole. In that, the effect of new working environments can be studied and improved.
The investigation is undertaken though a pilot site at NÜRNBERGER Versicherung. The local team is included and provides a real-life situation in which new concepts can be looked at close up.
The goal of these concepts is to increase motivation, communication, creativity and well-being and thus should also support to establish a better productivity.
CoCo: Connecting the Cooperative (CoCo)
The project CoCo focuses on social media in cooperatives and their role in connecting people and establishing valuable networks. A cooperative is an autonomous group of people who cooperate for their mutual benefit. Thus, the network is a cooperative’s essential asset. The project investigates how social media can support communication, collaboration and organizational culture, and identifies potentials and challenges of different social media strategies.
STARTIFY7: 7 start-up summer schools in Europe on Information and Communications Technologies for young aspiring entrepreneurs
Wi1NewWork: New workspace concepts for future research at the School of Business, Economics and Society
The research project „New spatial concepts for the research of tomorrow at the School of Business, Economics and Society” aims to design and evaluate a new collaborative spatial concept for scientific work at universities. To achieve this, existing office spaces at the School of Business, Economics and Society of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg will be transformed into activity-based workspaces. The design will be tailored to meet the unique requirements of knowledge work and research at universities, while also taking into account possible restrictions due to structural conditions. By redesigning the office space, the project seeks to increase employee satisfaction, motivation and productivity. In this way, the university will be able to position itself as an attractive employer and a hub for generating innovations in the future.
Related Publications
Der Kunde als Mitentwickler - Herausforderungen für die marktorientierte Führung
In: Manfred Bruhn und Manfred Kirchgeorg (ed.): Marketing Weiterdenken. Zukunftspfade für eine marktorientierte Unternehmensführung, Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, 2018, p. 143-156
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-18538-1_11 , , :
To track or not to track? LASER Discussion Paper, No. 101, Erlangen-Nürnberg.
URL: , , , , , , :
Bridging knowledge boundaries: the use of boundary objects in virtual innovation communities
In: R & D Management 46 (2016), p. 1084-1094
ISSN: 0033-6807 , , :
On the Importance of Boundary Objects for Virtual Collaboration: A Review of the Literature
In: Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 28 (2016), p. 1108-1122
ISSN: 0953-7325
DOI: 10.1080/09537325.2016.1181744 , , :
Innovation without me: Why employees do (not) participate in organizational innovation communities
In: R & D Management 44 (2014), p. 217-236
ISSN: 0033-6807
DOI: 10.1111/radm.12042 , , , :