Wi1 at RADMA 2018 in Milan


During this year’s “R&D Management Conference” Christofer Daiberl and Sascha Julian Oks of Wi1 contributed to the discourse on “R&Designing Innovation – Transformational Challenges for Organisations and Society”. The presented research was titled “Proposing the NSPIRE Technique: Improving Productivity of Networked Service Delivery” by Christofer Florian Daiberl, Hari Suman Naik and Angela Roth as well as “Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems from a Stakeholder Perspective” by Sascha Julian Oks, Albrecht Fritzsche and Kathrin M. Möslein. Besides the interesting academic discourse and fruitful discussions, the conference gave the chance to catch up with many colleagues from our network, e.g. Tim Mosig from our strategic ally “Center for Leading Innovation and Cooperation” at the HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management.