Nina Lugmair

Nina Lugmair, M. Sc.

Research Associate and Doctoral Student

School of Business, Economics and Society
Chair of Information Systems I, Innovation and Value Creation (Prof. Dr. Möslein)

Room: Room 4.260
Lange Gasse 20

Nina Lugmair studied International Information Systems Management at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg where she, later on, graduated with a Master of Science degree. In 2017, she graduated from Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies with a major on Information Systems. During her studies she gained practical experiences at BMW Group and Psyma Research and Consulting GmbH. She was also part of the research project JOSEPHS by the Fraunhofer Research Institute SCS and the FAU. In 2018, she started working at the Chair of Information Systems, Innovation and Value Creation, first in the role of a student assistant before becoming a research associate and doctoral student.

Her research interests include Digital Transformation and Service Systems. For this purpose, she conducts research on collaboration of actors in Service Ecosystems and Smart Product Service System Innovation.

The (working) title of her dissertation is: Facilitating Smart Product Service Systems Innovation – A Service Ecosystem Perspective


Journal Articles

Book Contributions

Conference Contributions