Khaoula Behi, M.IM.

Khaoula Behi, M.IM.

Doctoral Student

School of Business, Economics and Society
Chair of Information Systems I, Innovation and Value Creation (Prof. Dr. Möslein)

Room: Room 4.261
Lange Gasse 20
90403 Nürnberg

Khaoula Behi holds a master degree in management and strategy from the high commercial studies institute in Tunisia. She worked as project manager for non profit organization.  During the same time, she pursued a master’s degree in Innovation Management. Her master thesis was completed within the center for leading innovation and cooperation CLIC in Leipzig and analyzed online collaborative innovation according to media synchronicity theory.

Her current research focus on exploring the development of sustainability-oriented crowdfunding system in developing country and especially the North African region. She also focuses on exploring the complex dynamics of moderator’s reactions and commentexchange between the backers and the founders of sustainable projects in crowdfunding platform. She is interested in the business model for sustainability-oriented crowdfunding.


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