Best paper award for Aida Boukhris at CADE 2019

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Aida Boukhris @FAU_Germany won the best paper award for her work on Dynamic Roles of Resources in Smart Service Systems at this year’s conference on Competitive Advantage in the Digital Economy (#CADE2019). Her paper shows how Actor-Network Theory can contribute to a better understanding of the continuous evolution of digital business ecosystems. It is part of her dissertation project of smart services. Florian Maurer @fhvorarlberg also presented a paper with findings from his research at the wi1 Chair of Information Systems, Innovation and Value Creation @FAUWiso. Albrecht Fritzsche, who co-authored both papers, was also present at the conference and shared insights from a larger research programme on topologies of digital innovation.

CADE is an annual conference held in Venice which assembles experts from engineering and business and management research who work on a variety of topics concerning digital service systems. Further work related to the topics presented by wi1 at CADE can be found here: