Engineering Service Systems in the Digital Age – Paper published in ICIS 2017 Proceedings


With the rapid growth of global communication networks, more and more innovation is intangible, digitally enabled, and created around social phenomena. Together with the notion that shared information and technology are key resources in the context of service innovation, this leads to novel forms of resource configurations making use of the knowledge exchange initiated among various actors incorporated in collaborative value creation. However, resulting digitally enabeld service systems are hard to delineate, complex by nature, and include not only data and physical components, but also layers of knowledge, communication channels, and networked actors. This places the onus on researches to advance knowledge on models, methods, and artifacts that enable or support the engineering of these intangible systems. 

Benedikt Höckmayr and Prof. Dr. Angela Roth adress this call for research in terms of developing a method for engineering digitally enabeld service systems. This approach is grounded in the theoretical implications derived from a systemic perspective on service and service innovation as well as the underlying principles of digitization. By following the Design Science Research (DSR)-paradigm, an artifact is developed that provides both – scientific rigor and utility for being applied among practitioners aiming for developing novel digitally enabeld service systems.

The publication can be accessed here: