May you rest in peace Mitch. Your visions will live on!

Professor Möslein and Professor Seng sitting together

Prof. Kathrin Möslein and all the Wi1 team are saddened by the loss of the distinguished professor Mitch Tseng, long-standing friend of the chair. Prof. Tseng was always keen on establishing links and working on projects that bring together his Feng Chia University and FAU. In 2015 and 2017 he for example organized workshops for the students and the industrials about Industry 4.0 and invited us to moderate sessions of the workshops. He also supported the establishment of a partnership between our both universities to encourage the exchange of students between Taichung and Nuremberg. Only recently a team of his students from FCU joined FAU to participate in the Hackathon of the Digital Tech Summit organized by Zollhof, where the students went home proudly carrying the title of finalists. These are only a few instances where Prof. Tseng got involved with our university, and we all can only be grateful and inspired by his commitment, his passion and boundless drive. May you rest in peace Mitch. Your visions will live on!